I don't know what to make of this story.
It's the greatest conspiracy theory of all time. A story 10x better than anything on a streaming service (Most agree that the MH370 Doc on Netflix is utter trash).
If it's ALLLL a hoax, it's near decade long masterpiece by someone that is very much keeping me and many others entertained and puzzled the last few months. I would zap the hell out of the hoaxer if they revealed themselves. There seems to be plenty of proof-of-work here, I'd like to
MH370 was always a situation that never made sense, but this is weird. It's very, very weird. And keeps getting weirder. Everyday is more and more "wtf" moments.
...If the physics are impossible to you, maybe watch some of the Eric Weinstein I've posted. ...If the government(s) wouldn't/couldn't go this far blah blah blah, maybe watch some of the docs on DarthCoin's list here
There seems to be plenty of proof-of-work here, I'd like to reward them. I meant to say
Did you see that they found the original cloud footage? Even Shane was convinced the videos where likely not real
Yeah I saw that, a couple pictures of the apparent still image background of the satellite. AFAIK a torrent of the cloud textures from that textures site was found and looked through, and the photo in question is apparently absent, along with the maybe weird connections the photo taker had/has with the textures site, their little practical joke lol. To me, so far, it's nothing that can't be explained by a powerful government (or non-government) agency pulling out every stop to discredit the vids, I mean they've had 9 years to think about it.
It's either catastrophic disclosure or the greatest hoax of all time. I'm just along for the ride to see how it ends...
And reporting here in SNUFO territory YEEHAW!!! Speaking of, territory (I dig the name) sounds like it might come with a map? Food for thought, trying to think of how to differentiate territories from just being "subs".
Yep, we're ahead of you on the map idea. It's going to be lit.