It's obviously too early to talk about new years resolutions. We all know, that we won't keep them up until February. The intention with this post however is to telegraph a plan for ~privacy next month.
The goal: get Stackers off from using services that don't give a duck πŸ¦† about user privacy.
πŸ“Έ Remix of a cartoon from FoulLanguageComics.

The Privacy Problem

Far too many of us (including myself) are still relying on centralised servers and corrupt-corporations for nothing more than convenience. Given the awesome reaction to the SN Privacy Directory V1 last week, I'm sensing an acknowledgment that people are ready & wishing to consider alternatives. They maybe just need a shove.
We could of course use tough-love to shame stackers that are ignorant to alternatives. Or we could do things a little bit differently around here and lead by example...

WTF happens until January 21

January 1 - January 21 2024
The proposal is to have a single day to try-out a privacy task or free and open-source 'challenge'. A chance to experiment with new software & new methods. Even if for nothing more than having some additional redundancy in our technology stack, as well as to generate some cowboy-camaraderie for good measure...

What is the schedule?

I have given this not much more thought than 45 minutes, but I am proposing for us follow a schedule something along the lines of:
Jan 24CategoryDescription of task
1VPNBuy MullVad / Proton / alternative VPN subscription with 🌽 (starting small & simple)
2DomainBuy a domain privately with BTC and set-up 21 email aliases.
3CoinjoinCelebrate proof-of-keys by normalising a coinjoin spend. Tuck it away in cold storage right after.
4PasswordsPassword manager, e.g. KeepassXC / Vaultwarden. We'll store, switch & segregate all our services into new email addresses from #2.
5Email & Browser Clients + SearchNew default apps & experiences. Afuera with Google & Apple!
6New Computer OSSetup Linux (and/or Start9, Umbrel) - even on Mac hardware, with/without partitions
72FAYubikey / Aegis / other FOSS solutions + linking to all our online accounts.
8File ServerSetup NextCloud / Rclone / ProtonDrive / TrueNAS on devices. Or configure a purpose-bought Synology NAS.
9Spend BitcoinBuy physical products to an alternative address than your home (or fund a FOSS project as your 'fine')
10Nostr relayConfigure your own Nostr relay, for when censorshit πŸ’© hits the fan.
112nd PhoneYour first open-source operating system on a (Pixel) mobile device, together with some favourite FOSS apps
12Site HostingPay with BTC and host your own Wordpress website with BTCPay, Mutiny or LNBits instance.
13Heavy 'Metal' DayA day to stamp seeds on metal and/or listen to Metallica. Bonus points if you disturb your neighbours!
14VideocallsTry-out open-source videocalls with a friend/family.
15BackupsSecure encrypted local file storage & boring best practices.
16SECRET 16Absolutely not because I ran out of ideas. Leaving a space open for suggestions & a surprise...
17Managing IdentitiesSwapping-out and segregating IDs / keys, plus best practices when posting online.
18Messaging'Sack-off' Telegram, Whatsapp and even Signal. A chance to test out new secure direct messaging.
19 Lightning ChannelPrivate node & channel open, performing atomic swap (& perhaps payjoin) to open.
20 Orange-Pilling MerchantsAsk a business/worker if they accept Bitcoin as payment/tips & send them P2P kyc-free sats.
21Bitcoin BuysPurchase non-KYC or P2P only. Celebrating Day 21 in style!
Note: This is by no means set-in-stone, but I wanted to share a first-draft to get the Stacker's thoughts. Are you interested in such a daily format?
There'll be many of you who have already taken all these steps and even gone beyond. But I suspect the vast majority are still creatures of comfort and habit, having (like me) a handful of items still to check-off their list.

Why now?

In-spite of not being blessed with a lot of time next month, I do really want us Stackers to level-up our privacy, with nothing more than a 30-60 minute commitment each day. It needs to be accessible.
If we all do similar tasks on similar days, it's my hope that it is going to be much more impactful and insightful. People can jump-in & out. Stackers can be sharing their first-time experiences on a similar schedule. We can also invite "vader-veterans" to break-down and provide input into what has worked for them in past months.
I'm posting this in advance because if there is demand for this 21 day series, you're going to need a bunch of non-KYC corn to purchase software & services from bitcoin-affiliated projects. You may either need to stack or coinjoin in these coming weeks, finding an opportune time for when the mempool clears it's bowels of JPEGs.

What you might need?

This is also an announcement of an announcement, simply because you may wish to put 1 or 2 things on your festive wish-list.
By the second week, there's the option to adopt some new hardware. This will be useful if you want to get started with Graphene (mobile), Linux (laptop/desktop) or say a Yubikey for example. Ask Santa nicely!
Tip - If you are making any hardware purchases (particularly phones), it may be best to do so in cash using second-hand marketplaces. Buying directly from the manufacturer's websites will have them record your serial number against that transaction. It will take a little more effort, but your future self/nym may thank you for it. Ignore this advice for hardware wallets & yubikeys, for obvious security reasons.

How it works?

Much like book club instigated by @elvismercury, which has been an overwhelming success on SN, this will be a collaborative effort. Each day in the month of January up to the 21st, will likely be a new post. Inside we'll compare solutions, setups and early impressions. Evaluating whether we will transition over to FOSS software or not.
Depending on how things go, we may find some additional techniques and tricks to extend it to a full month. Who knows if I can coordinate all of this and reliably post each day, but at least we'll see if Stackers can provide some needed accountability here.
At the end of January 2024, I will post the StackerNews post links in the comments to each of the sessions. That way, anyone living under a rock can discover all of that stacker gold from this very place in future.
On each day's post, I can make a habit of mentioning what is coming up the following day, so people are aware and can prepare some time in their tomorrow to join (or make intolerable excuses).

Want to be notified on particular days?

if you want to be tagged on a particular day, shout in the comments, e.g:
  • Spam me - Days 9, 13, 21
  • Spam me - All days

Any recommendations or questions?

Got any suggestions on how to schedule or make this as productive as possible? Or entries you'd swap in or out? Hit that reply button also...

P.S. I'm probably going to call this series Privacy Pub, rather than Privacy Club . Mainly because the regulars hang-out in the saloon all day, it's a pub-lic discourse and (importantly) it's 1 less character to type-out each day. Hope you dig the format & idea...
I might have some additions:
  • 8 fileserver: add Murana Cloud which you can also self-host
Some other ideas:
  • Install a alternative browser and use this as your default browser for this day: Arc, Impervious, Vivaldi
  • Use a proxy for your internet traffic (this is different than a VPN) more info here
  • Discover and learn to use Syncthing to do backups or file sync between multiple devices
  • Use a browser extension to auto redirect bigtech links to privacy-friendly alternatives
Buy a domain privately with BTC and set-up 21 email aliases.
You don't have to set up specific email aliases. I would recommend combining your new domain with SimpleLogin and allow that to manage your aliases. They have good browser extensions to help with that. You could also enable "Auto create/on the fly alias":
Simply use next time you need an alias: it'll be automatically created the first time it receives an email. To have more fine-grained control, you can also define auto create rules .
would be really fun if we discuss one topic each week, daily might be too intense haha
That can still happen, not everyone needs to join each day. But you’re right that it will probably be easy to fall behind or need to skip due to life.
I’m also thinking about needing to queue posts & research the night before. Keen for maximum impact with minimal time & effort.
I’m also thinking about needing to queue posts & research the night before.
do what makes you happy:) but for me, I would like to learn first hand experience& privacy hacks from @davidw
Loving the idea :)
Spam me - All days
Buy a domain privately with BTC and set-up 21 email aliases.
You could also use duckduckgo email protection to generate an unlimited number of email addresses, for the purpose of signing up for email newsletters, throwaway accounts, etc.
Buy physical products to an alternative address than your home
This post I wrote a while ago might be helpful for people who want a step by step guide for doing this:
Your first open-source operating system on a (Pixel) mobile device, together with some favourite FOSS apps
GrapheneOS is the best option here imo. Can use Aurora Store with built-in "anonymous login" to install apps that are only available via the Google Play store, and F-Droid or APKs for everything else.
This is a great initiative. I was about to give up, but now I'm recharged again to fight for privacy :) I'm afraid many users would fail to complete first day buying VPN with bitcoin because they only have KYC bitcoin.
Good point. Maybe should consider tweaking the order to handle that upfront
January never comes :)
That’s the festive spirit! πŸ˜„
This is so great. Nice job, @davidw. Love the vision.
please... @spam me - all days
Another good one from the privacy merchant
Right here with you, living under a rock
Privacy essential