i think the idea is the same as for everyone with a lot of assets nowadays (pre-crypto-rich) - you borrow against them and repay the loans with what your assets are producing or their appreciation
for bitcoin native solution, maybe you'll be able to deploy your bitcoin as lightning network capacity and earn from that indefinitely
thanks @m3anm4chine!
That's a normal line of thinking I believe. I'm not sure about all the details of it and I will work that out before recording. There is a downside in my opinion if bitcoin continues to fluctate dramatically. I don't think it will be in 10 years but .. that's me thinking not for certain.
As for lightning...I like the idea...i love lightning .. i use it.. but at this point it's not exactly user friend in terms of asset management / liquidity. That veriy likely will improve in the next few years. Certainly worth proposing as a possibility!