I think the US dollar will increase relative to other fiat currencies simply because the race to debase has to continue, as 1 country debases they get an advantage to export and increase need for dollars locally, so as all these countries blow up their currencies value moves to these offshore dollars, like the eurodollar market, and these stablecoin markets.
It remains to be seen if stablecoins will start to create a bigger "eurodollar" market worldwide but it seems like its trending in that direction.
What I am wondering about is the Russia, Asia Africa market aren't too keen on dollar swaps and they might set up their own swap lines which could buck this trend, I mean they have no need for dollars trading between themselves seems like unnecessary to involve it if they can create direct exchanges or use a neutral money gold or bitcoin.
I think for now dollar goes higher, but I cant say for how long it lasts or when the alt currency/bitcoin market starts to eat its lunch