I just had the best Boza in my life, and yet it costs only 15TL, about 1200 sats - it took some walk to find that old shop, but it's so worth it!
I often wonder if these people are doing charity, you have a few shops like this but then you have many average ones but doing everything they could or even tailor for tourists, with average/bad quality but with a way higher price.
And many things work like this in our society, e.g.
  • the real interesting people barely use social media, yet you see many people with a "fun" life posting in everywhere;
  • the best products are made by people who love making them, and yet you have all the fancy brands focusing on the packaging and marketing.
and many more, I guess the cheat code is to see through the surface and verify what is really inside.
Just a few days ago, I realized I have been wasting my sats on Domino's pizza all this time, while I could have just used another pizzeria (L'Osteria) that I knew people who have been living here way longer than me really like. It's bigger, better quality, closer but still cheaper and more personal. I can show how patient I can be since they can be quite busy but still be very nice and acknowledge that I have been waiting for longer than they initially told me. One time they were so busy, the guy taking orders and giving out orders to guest waiting on tables, he had to literally ask me if I already paid because he just couldn't tell anymore. I simply said no. He was happy since I just simply told him the truth and then I simply paid and asked him: "Busy day, eh?"
He looked at me, smiling: "Yeah, you could say that."
Then he didn't give me 5 cents of my change and said: "Something tells me you don't need these 5 pennies."
So there is even some personal social component going on with this place now :)
lol I guess I got what I deserved for not listening to @Natalia all this time :)
lol, I even still write your nym wrong sometimes
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it's quite a popular winter drink in Turkey, and it have some health benefits too - many hacks are integrated in food here:)!
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that you are missing A LOT, look up salep too, which is mixing with cinnamon - life is so good again with these simple drinks 😂😂
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I barely drink milk, mostly for cooking only 👀
only boring drinks :3
but the good news is much for you to explore, @DarthCoin shared his sherbet receipt before
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well, it's way cheaper and BETTER if you make them at home:) 😂
I see what you did there :)
At least I think so 🤔
And also not sure if @Onions does 🤔
what @nemo did? 👀
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