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The other day for some reason YouTube showed me this video by Robert Reich titled How Amazon Is Ripping You Off. Now, I'm not here to defend Amazon. They don't need my defense. For those that aren't familiar he was the Secretary of Labor under Clinton. He's a progressive of course. You don't need to watch the video the TLDR is that Amazon has a lot of market share and are able to use their position in the market to require many restrictions on sellers. Things like requiring that sellers on Amazon can't list their products on other sites. Pushing down search results if their prices are below certain levels.
I haven't fact checked any of Reich's claims. I don't care to. Its true, when you have a big company with dominance they can use that dominance. Of course Amazon is not ripping you off though. Not really. You know who is ripping you off? Literally. Every government. They steal your life force. The hard earned money you have. They do this because they have a literal monopoly. Unaccountable bureaucrats make rules that affect all of us. Sure, we can vote, hows that going by the way? But unless you're Bezos you don't have much say in how your money is used or how much is stolen from you.
Reich as a progressive has one answer to all market "problems". More government. More power to the few over the many. More theft. It blows my mind when I listen to people that complain about private companies while ignoring the state. Of course these large companies work hand in glove with the state. But when you think about it, why is that? Its because the state has power and the belief. The belief of the masses in their legitimacy.
So, what's the solution. Reduce and eliminate the state. You remove that center of power that these companies use to gain more power. Replace this with freedom of choice. Replace the money with Bitcoin. May there be a thousand Amazons and zero states.
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Indeed. We may have to see a complete breakdown first.
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