Anyone found a good workflow or way to manage browser tabs?
Stressful to have so many windows open, but I always think 'what if I close and forget something'? Surely A.I. has solved this already. Given it's Friday already, I'm mulling force closing all my browsers windows right now and starting over. But will I regret it? πŸ˜…
'what if I close and forget something
just close them, the act of closing itself make you don't take anything for granted, like you know @nemo is gonna delete everything so you pay more attention for those deep and fun stuff:)
I wipe my browser history and laptop from time to time, just to make sure I backup everything important, otherwise I'm the one to be blamed.
That is a (spring) clean desk policy. Definitely good practice.
same for read books, don't hoard them, absorb the good stuff then fine to let go:)
Better still... write-up the best bits on Stacker News and hand-off the book to a friend.
yes, I normally gift them to people around me or donate them:)
I wipe my browser history and laptop from time to time, just to make sure I backup everything important, otherwise I'm the one to be blamed.
Encrypting everything and throwing away the keys is the new wiping
This makes me think browsers should have a 'save all my tabs for later' feature to harvest that netflix watch list energy.
I guess there is Browse History, but it’s just not the same thing. I’m surprised the way we browse the internet has not changed in like 10 years.
Then I remembered this awesome concept… which i seem to remember you posted before @k00b?
I don't recall posting it before but maybe!
Who knows why I thought that. Or where I came across it. No worries...I will burn all the tabs for now.