This is an absolute failure in understanding what dynamics are at play. Ordinal culture is Shitcoin culture which is scam culture
What is an exit event a Bitcoin Magazine conference panel.
Thats not a Bitcoin Magazine conference panel.
The market gets to decide what is a scam. At the end of the day people are transacting in BTC at a volume we have never seen before.
"The market gets to decide what is a scam" is just brain dead for logic. The market is being scammed. It figures it out after it runs out of hopes and dreams to exploit.
"A new sucker born everyday" is more apt for describing how the market will figure this out than what the hell you just said.
And motherfucker, we are the damn market which is why I am going to market this entire scam away to the best of my ability so that noobies who don't know better get to know better and stay the absolute hell away from it.
Fuck you and ALL of your bullshit