I have been using lately Organicmaps for my bike rides and the community around it is really great, I've found all the tools I needed to track my rides and it's all FOSS and free from Gogol spyware.
My first reaction after using anything FOSS that works well is to donate some to the community behind it to support their effort so I can keep using it. In the case of OSM this is what they have in their donation page for crypto https://organicmaps.app/donate/#crypto As you can see
  1. there's a ton of crapto
  2. they're using single on chain address.
I'm already in contact with the devs there and IMO the best choice is the BTCPayServer for which I offered him my own instance for free, but I've seen already the same reaction when the word server comes around for payments, from our conversation "are there any other options rather than maintaining some crappy server to accept payments?" So I thought maybe a single lnurl address or even use Geyserfund or Tallycoin, but that's what I have so far.
Please comment below only if you have a good and concise answer and we'll vote on the best and come back to them. I promised there would be a lot of sats coming their way if he enabled LN donations. Let's show them the power of zaps.

Note: Organicmaps is an app based on Openstreetmap, which is what btcmap.org uses. I remember having this same conversation with OSM team, they have the same issue with their donations :(
Oh dear, the donation list seems endless with all those alt·shit·coins. It seems the more payment method they offer, the better, but it's a fallacy. It shows research on how money works has not been done. I hope you get the opportunity to orange pill them.
Whats wrong with this org reusing addresses? Maybe they like the transparency showing their donation amounts by payment method. Its probably easier for people to donate to as well.
They could use BIP47 payment codes like https://paynym.is/
You make one onchain TX that establishes your payment code onchain, then compatible wallets can request an new address from the payment code. The "server" is the blockchain, plus wallet-side algorithms to generate addresses.
From their perspective it's ok, but from payer perspective you may not want to be connected with all other payers onchain (risking IP triangulation, etc)