My solutions: 1) leave the seeds at geographically different locations if it is multisig. 2) Maybe use a seed xor if it is singlesig. 3) Use a small dictionary and underline each word of your seed, then mark the page number somewhere in bitwarden.
In my case I have a small dictionary to avoid having a hand luggage over 7kg, hardware wallets with pass codes anyway, multisig with 2 seeds I don't have in my possession. Also if you go to countries where the law is working, besides India where it was more strict they don't look at your papers anyway, they look at metal things which can be used as weapons. So until now no problem with my hardware wallets protected with a code or passphrase in my 7kg luggage and seeds somewhere else. This works great in Asia, but if you go to Venezuela and you get robbed by someone with a gun there may be better alternative solutions.