The dashboard is looking crisp!
One thing I'd love to see is the number of monthly earning users (MEU) rather than monthly active users (MAU).
"Active" users is a Web2 metric for determining how many people can possibly be served an ad. That's a helpful metric for Facebook, but it doesn't tell us much about the health of Stacker News' business.
Stacker News wins when it helps users earn money, so I think that should be our north star user metric moving forward.
Also, since this is a native SN dashboard, it might make sense for the 'Analytics' tab in the footer of SN tabs to automatically link to this page, and if people want to see more detailed metrics on Plausible, they can access the Plausible page via the SN usage dashboard page.
Earning users is a good metric too.
Edit: I now see the Analytics tab is updated to show both links.