Maybe we should introduce ourselves with our territories
Great idea, @ekzyis.
Hi! I'm @benwehrman, and I dropped a fairly hefty bag of sats on Territories, founding four in total: AMA, health, history, and libertarian.
My reasoning for such a large investment is three-fold:
  1. I'm genuinely interested in all of these topics, so I'm confident in my ability to both contribute to and engage with these niches effectively
  2. I have many years of experience moderating Reddit subs, so the opportunity to stake a claim on the LN-powered Reddit-killer is very exciting
  3. I trust the SN team to continue killing it in building this site, thus progressing the upward trajectory of user growth/engagement, which will in turn bring real financial opportunity to being a community manager here.
...This is something Reddit moderation has always lacked; no financial incentive == no motivation to do your absolute best in building/moderating your community to help it reach its highest potential. Bitcoiners understand that financial incentive fosters more positive outcomes, and embrace this fact rather than shy away from it as Redditors do.
But I digress.
Extremely stoked to build AMA, health, history, and libertarian into the thriving SN communities I know they can be, and to continue building, collaborating, learning, and pioneering with you all!
Exciting times ahead.
Awesome to have someone with reddit sub experience to chop it up with.
🤝 Happy to answer any questions y'all have, or provide insights wherever it could be beneficial!
...Although I expect most of that experience to quickly become irrelevant, since the incentive structure here is so different (i.e. much better in every way)
Which subs do/did you moderate on reddit?