Christmas is coming up soon and anyone over the age of 15 is getting sats. The number of gifts I have to give might reach 20 or 30 people. What is the best way low cost way to gift them sats?
Open dime 6.3%
Cash App 31.3%
River link 12.5%
Munity gift6.3%
Other (share)12.5%
16 votes \ poll ended
If they havent expressed interest dont waste the utxo, imo.
If they waste it everyone else benefits as Satoshi says
Caveat: I've also never used it, but I like the concept.
100% support lightsats!
I have used this in the past I think I will use this again thanks for the reminder
I have personally used open dime and sats card. I think young men or techy people really dig the opendime even if they don't know much about bitcoin. It's nice to have something to unwrap. For weddings or birthday parties of friends it is usually a satscard
TapSigner + Nunchuk. You hold the TapSigner and one phone key using a 2/3 setup. They can see the sats. Then coordinate with you over messaging in app. Recommended for larger amounts since it'll be on chain.
For an expensive gift yes but a small little 20k sat gift this is too expensive
Go for Satscard
Lightsats takes individuals through a bitcoin basics course and they can redeem sats at the end to their own self custody wallet.
Lightsats is the site to go.
If they don't claim the gift, you'll have it back.