In, what is the difference between set and update? They both seem to accept the same arguments and do the same thing. Semantically they might be different in that update should be used to replace an existing value, but does it throw if there isn't already an entry for k1? Is it supposed to? These two methods feel a bit redundant to me. Perhaps I am missing something, though.
In, what is the difference between set and update? They both seem to accept the same arguments and do the same thing. Semantically they might be different in that update should be used to replace an existing value, but does it throw if there isn't already an entry for k1? Is it supposed to? These two methods feel a bit redundant to me. Perhaps I am missing something, though.
this is a great point.
it's basically as you said, set is to create a new session, update is to modify and existing one. my goal was to ensure people had enough flexibilty with the storage methods to write them easily for any storage type, e.g. database, session store, document store, etc
but does it throw if there isn't already an entry for k1? Is it supposed to?
good points!
I'll have a ponder on this one.