Ln addresses work by resolving a json under a domain. So you need to find a way to upload certain files under that xyz.io domain. I don't see anyway around it
Trying to farm sats for ads?
I want to supply every user who registers on my platform with an ln @ address, but without using my own domain
stacker.news + lnbits
I stumbled upon lnbits before, but i fail to understand how i could use it to archive what i want. Do you mean lnbits extension lnaddress? You need your own domain for that, which i wanted to avoid.
And how would stacker.news be relevant for that? Would you be so kind to elaborate?
Lnbits.does good stuff. They're also the only open source I've found that offers a web wallet In browser that you can save and reuse by bookmarking the link. I use it regularly
Now how do I quickly generate 100 @ addresses with it?
Go to legend.lnbits.com. create wallet. on left side there's a menu bar you can open where there are a ton of extensions people have created that you can use with this wallet. Maybe you'll find luck in there? There's some pretty neat and useful lightning extensions in there.