pull down to refresh

Following yesterday's sessions.
  • Write out what you will be working on in the next 50 minutes.
  • Come back at the end and comment on what you achieved and what are your next tasks for the next hour.
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • Take a 10-minute break between each session.
  • Spend/receive some sats to encourage others/get encouragement.
You can be vague in your tasks if things are confidential.
I'll start below.
I'll organize my brain with 8 hours sleep :)
It works wonders, indeed.
Today will have a long 3 hour interruption in the middle, so let's try to get a few hours of work in before the interruption.
My focus for the next hour:
  • Close all tabs
  • Update litterature from slides
  • Review manuscript structure
Great session here. Finished all 3 tasks.
Will extend on the last point of rewriting sections of the manuscript for the next hour after short break.
I rewrote the whole manuscript and reorganized the supplemental material. Got distracted answer a Science question here. For the next 50 minutes, I will coordinate with my colleagues for remaining tasks for our paper.
Back to work. Tedious single task now for the next hour.
Transcribe equations from paper into jupyter notebook. ChatGPT failed at doing it correctly :(
Finished the transcription. Next tasks:
  • Few benchmarks to confirm the implementation is correct
  • Generalize them for 3 inequivalent directions
Implementation is correct. Testing for 3 inequivalent directions gives same results. Need to understand why that is.