This is not new as you say. They also supported the weapons of mass destruction hoax to get people to support the Iraq war. Then there was that time Walter Duranty deceived the masses about Stalin's mass starvation of the Ukraine.
They are terrible and have a long track record. I'm sure if someone did a deep dive they could really dig up some terrible things.
When someone complains about media and points to NYT as some sort of great example I know they are ignorant.
They've clearly always trafficked in propaganda. I still think it's an open question about whether there used to be better journalism, though. We hear about how investigative journalists were basically replaced by click bait mongers, because of the crazy discrepancy in ROI between the two.
I say its progress if they get worse. Tarnish that rep.
I totally agree. I feel like it's mostly read by establishment Boomer's and everyone else either thinks it's a joke or just isn't interested in it.
Yep. Its the establishments outlet to tell all the other outlets what to say.