Of course, this should come as no surprise to anyone who pays even a little attention.
In general, is the corporate press (or legacy media or whatever you call them) getting worse or are we just increasingly aware of how bad they are?
The Dishonesty of the New York Times Revealed By Connor O'Keeffe "In a Columbia Journalism Review article, NYT publisher A.G. Sulzberger claimed his newspaper embodies 'journalistic independence.' But a recent article by James Bennet, a former NYT editor, reveals the paper does little more than provide progressive propaganda."
Both. They are getting worse and we are more aware.
And I think those two forces are locked in a positive feedback loop.
It's good this dishonesty is called out by a former NYT editor
Mainstream Media is not really something worth paying too much attention to.
True and thankfully more and more people are realizing that.
At this point if it is in the mainstream media I assume it is a lie/propaganda.
At this point, I only wonder why they're pushing a specific message, because I know they're completely indifferent to whether or not it's true. As you said, treat it as pure propaganda.
Whoever has large audience of readers or viewers always tend to manipulate news so I will nudge towards an awareness where the audience pull information from various sources
As MM likes to say:
All news outlets are owned by a few dudes. They each publish their own propaganda and spin it the way they want. Money talks its simply a business not a “news outlet” get news decentralized for truth!
Without a real demand for honest unbiased journalism and reporting, why would we ever expect there to be a supply?
I don't think enough people want "real" news to support much of an industry for it.
The people have spoken, and they deserve to get what they want, good and hard.
(Shout-out to @siggy47.)
Yes, very few of us want the truth. Most are brainwashed to one extreme side or the other and live in an echo chamber. Personally, I view myself as an American above any party or news source that skews to a side. I try to educate myself on both sides and make informed decisions for myself and then live and learn with the benefits and consequences!
This is not new as you say. They also supported the weapons of mass destruction hoax to get people to support the Iraq war. Then there was that time Walter Duranty deceived the masses about Stalin's mass starvation of the Ukraine.
They are terrible and have a long track record. I'm sure if someone did a deep dive they could really dig up some terrible things.
When someone complains about media and points to NYT as some sort of great example I know they are ignorant.
They've clearly always trafficked in propaganda. I still think it's an open question about whether there used to be better journalism, though. We hear about how investigative journalists were basically replaced by click bait mongers, because of the crazy discrepancy in ROI between the two.
I say its progress if they get worse. Tarnish that rep.
I totally agree. I feel like it's mostly read by establishment Boomer's and everyone else either thinks it's a joke or just isn't interested in it.
Yep. Its the establishments outlet to tell all the other outlets what to say.
And then, to the shock and horror of the newsroom, Trump won the presidency. . . . Many Times staff members—scared, angry—assumed the Times was supposed to help lead the resistance. Anxious for growth, the Times’s marketing team implicitly endorsed that idea, too.
How pissed NYT was when Trump won the election
Corporate press is killing the genuiness of news