Two of the top questions I receive is regarding encryption and ham radio and conducting commercial activities over ham radio:
In the US, the FCC's rules are outlined in Part 97 of the Commission's rules, specifically in Section 97.113(a)(4), which states that "messages encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning" are not allowed in amateur radio communications. This rule aims to ensure that amateur radio remains a resource for public service and emergency communications, where the ability to monitor communications is crucial. Exceptions to this rule are limited. One notable exception is for control commands to space stations or radio-controlled models, where encryption may be used to protect against unauthorized access or control.
In the US, the relevant rules can be found in Part 97 of the FCC rules. Section 97.113 specifically addresses prohibited transmissions and includes the prohibition of communications for hire or for material compensation.
Everything has trade offs. Ham radio is an excellent resource that allows folks to gain proficiency in radio communications. There are limitations. The skills you can learn in ham radio can be applied to other parts of the radio spectrum that do allow for encryption, and/or commercial activities.
Down the road, these rules could change as more Bitcoiners enter this space, change ham radio culture and ultimately exert influence* over FCC policy to have additional exceptions as we innovate in the radio arts in alignment with our ethos.
*Do not underestimate the amount of influence we are going to have in the years to come.
Are bitcoin transactions only possible with SDR? It's been a while since I looked into this stuff.
Short answer is no, you could do it with a variety of radio types and methods.
The key would be anyway way you were able to effectively pass the data to someone who could then transmit the data to the mempool would be sufficient. Theoretically, you could even do that with voice.
I don't want to hold myself out as an expert in this area, because I'm not, but wouldn't it make sense concentrating efforts, from a bitcoin perspective, on pure over air transactions than the wifi stuff, which is useful, but doesn't address internet outage situations?
these rules
it's kinda insane that some organization claims authority of electromagnetic spectrum in a region on the earth.
Someone has to. Radio spectrum is a very limited resource that is useless if not used in a cooperative way.
The Scholar Hacker’s Guide to Amateur Radio is a short volume designed to provide practical advice and encouragement to citizen scientists interested in learning how to operate an amateur radio station, listen to the world and communicate through satellites. It is a portable tool and reference guide that is a useful addition to any radio hobbyist’s shack or library.
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interesting. Look forward to you posting some content in the territory!