Good point... But maybe you can sell that name or you can pay to shut it down like in the Fiat world.
  1. Sucky name
  2. Contact owner
  3. "Your name sucks and it's interfering with my brilliant, well thought name. Can I pay to shut this down?"
  4. Yes - " Sure, 1,000,000 sats"
  5. No - " No, I'm a dick."
Opening a territory has a cost so maybe just let the free market do it's thing.
Like, I've thought about doing some titties (that was a typo, so I'm leaving it, thanks to the swipe keyboard) err, territories but I'm instead looking for a category that might fit instead. When I started here there were only 4 now there are more.
For the benefit of the business model I think the team here can reimburse the fee if it seems to cause a headache. The good thing about this is the sats are increasing in buying power so a refund might actually be a saving plan.
I'd like a job here, by the way.
I think I'm going to stop crying about how I don't make enough Fiat in my marine construction job and I'm going to just write about how easy it is to negotiate with people.
I like agora but I like anything that is a marketplace. So we'll see!