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It has been a long time I wanted to see this territory on @SN universe, and today I finally took the step forward to make it happen. Let's try!
I believe that any of us has a creative and entrepreneur mind, because as human beings (not human doers) we always look to improve and create wealth for ourselves and others around us. And the way to do it is to take action and share our value[able]s with our community to make it either more valuable.

The Name

Agora means "market" in modern Greek, it was the name of the place where people exchanged the social and political order of the polis (city/community), the center of the athletic, artistic, business, social, spiritual, and political life in the city. Free-born residents would gather in the agora for duty or to hear statements of the ruling king or council. Later, the agora also served as a marketplace, where merchants kept stalls or shops to sell their goods amid arcades. This attracted artisans who built workshops nearby.
Do you like the name? Should it be changed for Buy/Sell? You let me know in case.


In this territory you'll be able to post anything you want to sell or buy, any un/wanted item and/or advertise your service and skill set to the world. Does it matter if you are an artist, a mum a photographer, a craftsman a trader, a collector... Don't be shy, your abilities are valuable, if not for you, they definitely are for someone else in the community. We want to know about them.


Any post type is currently allowed for now: links to external products, discussions, pool, and bounties... be creative and use them as you wish!


There are only few suggestions for posting on this territory, please follow them to complete a successful trade:
  • tag your post with [BUY] or [SELL] or [HIRE] at the beginning of the title
  • ADVERTISE your services/skills
  • SELL any items or services
  • PHYSICAL items are allowed, but please find an external communication channel/platform to directly communicate with the seller/buyer and complete the trade externally
  • BUY directly from seller
  • NEVER share personal details on SN (if you do, you can always delete the comment)
  • OPEN a communication channel/platform channel, making sure to include a way for others (possibly anonymous) to be in contact to you in the future. SN notifications are great but not always effective


Current cost for posting is 2 sats to incentivize the community to use this territory as desired. In the future there's the idea to upgrade it to 21 or higher 210 sats, because I believe that if you are in business, you should be able to invest this amount on a marketing post... and for jobseekers, it's much cheaper that posting a ~job.


OPEN for trade :) and obviously open to receive any feedback and suggestions on how to improve this territory. Now, look around (and inside) you, and post something you like, try it out.
this territory is moderated
in my opinion, out of all territories, this one is the most original one. well done.
@delete in 365 days
You can also do 1 year
deleted by author
Yea it supports many units, seconds minutes hours days weeks months years I believe is the list
Hint: I am the contributor who wrote the code lol
Edit: yep
it's great feature, thanks 🙏
heh not everyone agrees, but thank you, and you're welcome!
Can you get it to delete when a specific block is mined?
I’m sure it could be done
Very nice!
@delete in 6 blocks
deleted by author
You're welcome, and thank you!
Thank you 🙏 I appreciate your feedback
Why delete?
How should stackers decide whether to post in ~agora or in ~marketplace?
I love the name but I’m not sure it’s intuitive enough to achieve your objectives at this time.
~Agora comes first in the dropdown, lol
And I think a little competition between territories is natural (and might be part of the game theory?)
Nice detail, thanks for sharing. We could actually use ~MarketPlace then... but ~Bazaar still my favourite
We could actually use ~MarketPlace then...
No, you can't, it's a bug. Only the links are case-sensitive but they shouldn't be.
Our database actually saves the names as citext which is a case-insensitive data type.
ah ok, what @jeff shared it's actually a major cause of chaos and it will spread similar contents across multiple territories... Issue or feature?! Anyway, luckily we have the @search button...
So who will be the guy to put AAAgora like the old plumbing, taxi, locksmith.... Trick or the phone book. ♾️ Agora?
Ahaha, ancient trick! well, not sure it will show up in the search results. I think this should also be considered by the @SN team when considering solving the case-sensitiveness issue of the territories
I think the free market will fix this. It looks like the cost of maintaining the territory will solve issues and if it is well thought as yours is then it should be successful.
This isn't the bleeding edge for nothing. At least sats are moving off chain and ideas are booming.
Good point... But maybe you can sell that name or you can pay to shut it down like in the Fiat world.
  1. Sucky name
  2. Contact owner
  3. "Your name sucks and it's interfering with my brilliant, well thought name. Can I pay to shut this down?"
  4. Yes - " Sure, 1,000,000 sats"
  5. No - " No, I'm a dick."
Opening a territory has a cost so maybe just let the free market do it's thing.
Like, I've thought about doing some titties (that was a typo, so I'm leaving it, thanks to the swipe keyboard) err, territories but I'm instead looking for a category that might fit instead. When I started here there were only 4 now there are more.
For the benefit of the business model I think the team here can reimburse the fee if it seems to cause a headache. The good thing about this is the sats are increasing in buying power so a refund might actually be a saving plan.
I'd like a job here, by the way.
I think I'm going to stop crying about how I don't make enough Fiat in my marine construction job and I'm going to just write about how easy it is to negotiate with people.
I like agora but I like anything that is a marketplace. So we'll see!
Yes I know, the name isn't really intuitive. if you like to vote or share and alternative names, please check this poll, here your vote/opinion matters :)
The only incentive for now it's that you'll join a much more ancient place (from a conceptual point of view) at a fraction of the cost. The intent it's to help people get rid of all the useless things we surround ourselves with, both physical and digital, because your room/house it's full of them, same as your computer one day will run out of space ;P
The other difference is that ~marketplace has been created once and probably never moderated. ~agora will be renewed monthly and maintained forever. If there's no interest from the community, it will naturally ed up in the SN archive.
So please, help keep it there, find your most useless dusted item, take a pic ad share it there, I believe it will be useful for someone, somewhere.
Here is the Etymology of Agora...
It's a great word.
deleted by author
If that guy will not zap you because there's a @ delete I think s/he problem. I really like the idea to delete posts and comments after a while, its like mirroring what happen with voice communications. You need to be there, in the same place and time, to hear/read what's going on.
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deleted by author
Agree with @Thawne this is a great idea.
I would suggest however that as awesome as the name Agora is. (And it's brilliant, I love that you've used another language to give a punchy one liner) To a standard passer by scrolling through the home page of SN they might not get it. Perhaps Market_Place would be straight to the point for people just scrolling passed not knowing what Agora is.
But seeing as ~marketplace already exists, perhaps Agora may he able to carve itself a role out in a more niche way?
That was the inceptional idea, and it's becoming a marketing issue 😅, I've created a poll for alternatives options and suggestions
Awesome territory, let me do it
Where do I find [ buy ] items? I have not come across any? maybe it needs it own category?
I was thinking about that. For now the SN search functionality partially solve the issue. Try searching for posts with“[BUY]” ~AGORA
DUDE~! That's game changer
for now :) in the meantime @AG & @AGORA strategise something else, maybe when sub-territories will be available
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Right Territory, at the right time.
The time when stackers will have plenty of unwanted gifts to get rid of in exchange for sats
The post announces a new "Agora" section on Stacker News, inspired by ancient Greek marketplaces. It's a community platform for buying, selling, and advertising services or skills, embracing the creative and entrepreneurial spirit of users. The post suggests using tags like [BUY], [SELL], or [HIRE] for clarity, and encourages diverse postings, from external product links to discussions. It advises against sharing personal details on SN and suggests external communication for trades. Posting currently costs 2 sats, possibly increasing in the future, to ensure serious and valuable community engagement.
Thank you for this TLDR
Territory Description Archive:

Welcome to ɅGOᏒɅ Territory

The SN P2P Marketplace, Bazaar, Alleyway... or whatever you prefer to call it! It's ʌɢᴏʀʌ. In this territory, plebs, stackers, cowboys, maxis and hodlers come together anytime to exchange and trade items remotely, privately and anonymously.

Click any link👇below to try it out! [BUY] - [SELL] - [HIRE] - [OFFER] - [AUCTION] - [SWAP] - [FREE]
You can also leave a product or service [REVIEW]



Welcome to ɅG0RɅ Territory

The SN P2P Marketplace, Bazaar, Allwyway... or whatever you prefer to call it!
In this territory, plebs, stackers, cowboys and maxis come together anytimethey like to exchange and trade items between them, only Peer-To-Peer
Click any of the below👇links to try it out!
Click any of the above👆links to try it out!

Remember: PRICE tag is optional, but it is always a nice-to-have info INCLUDE a way for people to contact you npub or NIP-07@nostrcheck.me are the suggested ones PHYSICAL items are welcome, but please consider include shipping options, Dead Drop or DLB NEVER, ever, share personal information within this territory


deleted by author
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Great news! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
This is intuitive, let's see how far it go
deleted by author
I'm excited to see your SN store @Natalia !
what's the best way to protect both parties' privacy while sending physical products?
The only thing that comes to my mind are dead drops.
I love the DeadDrops idea and often used without knowing it was actually a thing and had a dedicated ame in English! Amazing
It work great if both parties are in the same areas during the trade. In many cases, find a replacement for shipping ad P/O boxes it's really hard... any suggestion?
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