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It is a shame that "crypto" has become synonymous with scam coins, rug pulls, shitty nfts, get rich quick schemes, gambling.
I think the better thing to do is for BTC to move away from it's association with crypto and focus more on itself and it's Blockchain. When people can segregate BTC from the rest of the "crypto" space. Then I think people will understand bitcoin much better.
I think the better thing to do is for BTC to move away from it's association with crypto and focus more on itself and it's Blockchain.
Blockchain is also already associated with scams. What if people just continue to be people and come for the next terms? You're going to move away from associations until you no longer have anywhere to move to? What you're going to do then?
Also, I think this discussion about "Should we continue to use crypto as cryptography?" is related to rent-free living in heads.
Really valid counter point, I hadn't thought of the how many times do you run away before standing your ground. And I'm inclined to agree with you, perhaps instead of running from those terms it is time to reclaim them. Show people what crypto is not what they think it is. It's not an angle I had originally looked at it from.
The most funny part is when people try to argue that "crypto" means "cryptocurrencies" and not "cryptography":
The "crypto" in "cryptocurrencies" literally comes from "cryptography". So if "crypto" means anything, it should mean "cryptography" and not only "cryptocurrencies".
Wholely agree. I refer to those types as uneducated. During my time in the military (before the days of BTC) we regularly talked about "crypto" and we were absolutely referencing cryptography and how you concealed or protected information. It's got nothing to do with dog coins 😂
Yeah, I think what changed my view on this is that we don't have to accept the stupidity uneducatedness of some people. We should acknowledge it and do something about it but we don't have to accept it.
Accepting something sounds to me like giving up - as if it's out of your control to do something against it. Small but important detail imo.
It took 3 messages lol but I went from, the move away from them camp to the take it back and have them moved camp courtesy of your comments.