It makes you think about what you want out of the deal, for sure. If a person was viewing it in purely economic terms there would be a tradeoff between curating the territory for "purity" vs what would garner the most sats.
I wonder how this will play out in terms of the usual outrage harvesting that you see on advertising-driven media. Will be interesting to see how direct financial effects change that; and how territories use different strategies.
Your stocking was overflowing but thanks for the milk and cookies. Merry Christmas.
I will keep fees low in ~security and ~oracle as long as possible. There isn't any spam in there yet (I actually have to post most stuff myself) so why use high fees? It just feels like rent seeking to me.
If I see a territory using high fees for no apparent reason, I don't feel like the founder thinks they are going to make it with lower fees. Which further means they don't really "believe" in the success of their territory. But maybe I am just overthinking it. Maybe I think ~security and ~oracle are not going to make it on high fees? lol
I'm trying to use low fees if possible to be welcoming. High fees only if necessary. But it's also an "growth hack" attempt.