I remember hearing about this. So, for the average person with usual low-tech things at their disposal, besides rolling die, are there any other takeaways on how we could ensure we have pretty good randomness for seed entropy? Could something similar to the lavalamp approach be reverse-engineered, if for nothing other than a learning exercise in how to generate a pretty-well randomized seed?
Asking anyone out there!
If you have a coin but you're not convinced that it gives exactly 50/50 chances, you can use Shannon's trick: toss it twice. Heads-tails is 0, tails-heads is 1 (or however you want), but same result should be re-tossed. This gives you exactly 50/50 chances out of any coin, even a biased one.
Thanks for that reply.
For the life of me I never thought of coin flips as being useful random number generator. Maybe like not seeing the wood for the trees. I've also never heard of Shannon's trick before, will have to read up on the origin. I've a small coin collection to try this out with!