Eating a portion of homemade saurkraut which i consider to be a bad batch, but its still delicious. Added black pepper, organic(!) extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of apple cider vinegar. I dont even. Have a nice day.
Dont know who tipped me 10k sats but im going to find someone and then return the favor.
Yaknow what, you gave me an idea. I think there should be a cooking territory to share recipes and food. But I don't think I've got the ability to manage multiple territories. Hopefully someone picks it up. I'd love to be able to have a SN one stop shop for something different for dinner each day.
I might need that there sauerkraut recipe if you wouldn't mind, I've never made them before. But I'd like to give it a go. Cooking from other cultures is something I love as much as music from other cultures.