I've been stock piling food that I can, I started growing in my garden, I know that's not for everyone but if you can, you should. I've also changed my eating habits, to not eat empty calories anymore and reduced a lot of my spending
I've also kept a few cans of petrol just in case and water too, just incase of any shortages
Even with interest rates going up, that only curbs demand for some things and doesn't affect supply chains. People still need to eat and move around and if supply chains aren't fixed and some will be impacted by higher cost of funding, I can only see more shortages on the rise
I am looking at Japan and EU they are looking hella fragile right now and if the dam breaks there we can see cascading issues
Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Laos have all pretty much defaulted or are on the verge, this things hitting Asia hard where a lot of goods come from that most people don't even realise