I got 5 pound bags of dried rice personally. Don't look into silly things like carbs or whatever. If you're using this survival supply, its because you're starving. I'd be surprised if you gained weight from an emergency pantry, but if you do, be grateful.
As far as the stigma of "being a prepper" goes, I don't think its conspiritorial. Where I grew up, a snow storm took out the power for months and roads were not drivable for that duration as well. Disasters happen. If we didn't have a kerosene heater, we would have frozen to death just as an example.
Where I grew up, a snow storm took out the power for months and roads were not drivable for that duration as well.
That's exactly the kinds of scenarios I'm thinking about. In an atomic war I would be screwed anyway 😂
Thanks for your insights!