I would say that the least evil (different from least unjust) taxes are those that are most easily avoided. Property taxes are almost completely unavoidable.
The least unjust taxes, I would say, are those levied against anti-social behaviors.
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I think if a tax is easily avoided it becomes unjust, or unequal. The property tax is probably the simplest of all and thus just if a tax can be just.
The problem i found with taxing "anti social behavior" is who gets define what that is. Some people want to be left alone. Im sure the greatest people in history who achived great things would be considered anti-social by their peers but that's a different discussion. I mean Satoshi Nakamoto can be considered anti social? Something to think about maybe.
There is no just theft. All taxes are theft. There should be a subscription we can pay for government services. No more enslavement
if a tax is easily avoided it becomes unjust, or unequal
Unequal, yes, but so what? Consider something like an alcohol or cigarette tax. No one needs to consume these products. In fact, people are better off (imo) if they don't consume them. How does their avoidability make it more unjust to tax them?