There are also remarkable incidences, thousands, of children reporting past lives and being incredibly accurate. There are those who can willingly have out-of-body experiences (astral projection) and report conversations or descriptions of objects distances away, as well as those who can "see" things further away without leaving their body (remote viewing; CIA declassified as well).
There are other incidences I've had personally that have shown me this universe must have been created. By what, I don't know. Those are personal to me.
I say this as a previously dogmatic atheist who is disappointed with my formal self and the things I said to believers in the past. Although I don't agree with religion and see it more as a divisive mechanism, I do see the common ground between us.
All that being said, I urge you to keep a very open mind. In the grand scheme, we all know nothing.
Some interesting readings:
  • The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
  • Anything by Ishtak Bentov
  • Before by Dr Jim Tucker
True, and I indeed am open to these things, for there indeed have been instances as described by you above.
The human brain and conscience is a remarkable mystery.