It is hard to give the damn things away sometimes.
I've noticed the same. I wonder if I should run a more principled experiment, like @ekzyis is doing here, and @Undisciplined has done?
The main barrier is the attention that it would require to do at enough scale to matter. But maybe that could be part of the experiment too? Hmm.
I guess we could give reward sats back to the pool each day and live on daily zaps? Or limit the number of zaps you can make; morning balance divided by 10 say….
Why does scale matter?
Why does scale matter?
Only because me zapping twice a day is likely to disappear into the void as an effect that anyone would notice on SN. In terms of keeping our heads above water, it wouldn't matter.
My experiment is basically on autopilot. The only thing I do is set my default zap in the morning to 1/1000th of the balance in my SN wallet.
Are you generally in the black from this methodology, still? I remember you saying that a couple of times you were making money. Still true?
I'm hovering around 300 right now, but we've had several days in a row of content rewards which don't benefit me as much as zap rewards.
I don't recall exactly when I started and what that balance was (poor experimental design on my part), but I'm pretty sure I made almost all of my current balance over about 6 months.
I'm curious how these rapidly rising posting fees will play into it. If the rewards pool grows dramatically, I should start seeing more growth.