Listening is a skill. One you should take seriously and one that might have atrophied in recent times.
This is so true. When you stop talking and listen, when you ask people questions about what they think, what they like, what they dislike you will be surprised by what you learn about people. It is so sad that so few people seem to have any interest in listening. For most people it seems like they are just biding their time until they can flap their gums again.
Been a huge audiobook guy since my days of commuting to my first job in web dev. I have always struggled with reading physical books for whatever reason. I do read them but my mind tends to wander. I grew up listening to talk radio (not just political) and was an early podcast listener as well. Audiobooks have greatly expanded my knowledge and I just laugh at people who look down their noses at them. I can understand that they aren't for everyone. Some folks struggle to pay attention to audiobooks in the way I struggle with reading books.
If you don't read or would like to feel more "well read" I highly recommend audiobooks. Ignore your friends how scoff at it. Give it a try.
i only really listen to them while on long road trips, but it always makes the driving much better.
I like audio books and split my dog walking time between them and podcasts. Rarely music these days.
I’m noticing that the production quality in audio books (I.e., voice talent) is getting very good. I’m currently listening to a full audio ‘movie’ version of SM Stirling’s “Dies the Fire” which has dozens of voice actors and sound effects etc. The reader for “Shantaram” was crazy good too.