This is a wild post on multiple fronts. 1. Will is an exceptional builder who has created something of immense value. If he wants to keep damus going, he absolutely can IF he decides he wants to. 2. If you're going to claim to give it your all as a founder, then figuring out how to capitalize becomes a vital part of that equation. An easily accessible avenue is venture capital. VC money is out there (see primal), and no, it's not too late to take money, so there is no excuse for lack of sustainability. Hivemind (@MaxAWebster) is the leading investor in nostr projects, and the fund has been fully embraced by the nostr community. 3. The "Jack told me not to take VC money" argument wins him zero sympathy points. Jack's a good dude but he doesn't run damus. 4. Any good entrepreneur knows that so much can change in a year. Hell, shit can change on a dime in a matter of days as a startup founder/entrepreneur. Crazy to prognosticate possible doom a year out. 5. Where there's a Will (pun intended), there's a way.