Oh, I'm indiscriminate. I'll watch or read all kinds of stuff. One example did occur to me, though. I'm pretty much a libertarian hard money kind of guy, but earlier this year I read Debt, The First Five Thousand Years. I almost stopped reading immediately. I'm thinking to myself "this clown is a commie." But I forced myself to stick it out and I got a lot out of it, although I never agreed with his criticism of capitalism. Later, when you did the book club on Broken Money, I discovered that Lyn addressed many of his arguments. If I had stayed in my libertarian lane I would not have been aware of his perspective.
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I was also triggered by Graeber at first. I find myself leaning in when I get triggered probably due to some kind of insecurity around later learning I've been operating on wrong info.
Great example. You see the world differently after reading that book, for sure.