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The way to win is not to play.
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252 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 1 Jan 2024
I read this first as "if vomiting made any difference"
You're just saying that because no election has ever come down to a single vote and even if it did there's never any significant difference between the top candidates.
Talk about cynical.
Say that to the people living in China or North Korea! Millions of humans have died to have the right to have a say on how they are governed. Don’t let the DC rot and crony capitalism confuse you. Politics is war by other means
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Nothing is stopping you from leaving especially if you are an American. Pay your exit tax and leave to find a place in the middle of nowhere and live your free life. Nothing is stopping you from denouncing your citizenship you can do it!!
That’s what I don’t get with you I don’t want to be governed types. Then don’t be leave!!! Go live in a forest and be on your own