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Nightly routine habits for me.
Anyone have tips on getting away from screens late before bed? What do you do instead?
What's new that's coming to your life in the new year?
I'm sure there are a lot of different ways to start the year...
this is how I have started my last 5 years or so: https://yearcompass.com
if you've got some time for reflection, I recommend it.
if you don't have it done by the end of the day, don't let that dissuade you from focussing your mind and finishing it before the end of the week... you'll thank yourself several times through the year as you get to reflect on your mindset at the year opening.
ah very cool, thanks for sharing this!
New year, New fun :
  • first thing would be to learn about natural dyes to take MAKING things to next level
  • keep crafting everything I need in life, then extending for the people I care about.
I have been interested in the natural dye process for a bit, will you use it for clothes? I always think updating some old stuff with a new dye will inspire me to extend its life
will you use it for clothes?
yes - I have a silk sweater on hand that made last year, but it's original color ( kinda white/cream ish ) I would like to change it to more an earthy tone, so I would need to solve this problem!
And then I'm also trying avoid chemicals as much as possible, including chemical dyes, yet they are everywhere...
I always think updating some old stuff with a new dye will inspire me to extend its life
why not? it's fun doing experiments:)! you got to learn so much and more freedom to make your own things, in your own style.
gotta sell your DIY projects on ~agora!
that would be later stage - selling some of the crafts I produce:)
maintain good friendships, look for more good friends and discard those who do not contribute anything good.
your attention is valuable
Normally read earlier in my days, but yep this is the one of first shifts I've wanted to make
Might I recommend this one.
Anyone have tips on getting away from screens late before bed? What do you do instead?
  • Read real books
  • Read a Kindle book with no back light
  • Get good quality blue light blockers like TrueDark. The red ones should be used at night.
The kindle works for me to - get an old one, I use Kindle 4th gen, the model is D01100. They're cheap on Ebay.
That's my evening routine, every night.
Also, make sure to charge your phone away from bed. No phones or laptops or anything in bed.
Have had blue light lenses for a long time. one of the best investments you can make if you work with screens a lot. Red seems interesting, have never seen these
Reds block out more of the blue spectrum which is why you would use them at night. Yellows are to be used during the daytime.

New year, new GOALS.

  • Cut down or stop smoking tobacco
I committed to reducing my dependence on smoking and vaping last year.
"harm reduction" is a powerful first step.
the patches have really helped me. 2 weeks for $50 bucks is cheaper than boxes of cigs, and they work just as well.
if you decide to go for it, get the clear square patches ... not the circular ones (they don't stick as well).
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 1 Jan 2024
new year, new marketplace ⚡️ ~AGORA ;)
Coming along very nicely
You've done a great job getting it out there!
All past hopes has gone, now I need new ones
Read or listen to a podcast.
Read books.
Actually, I find it comforting to scroll through my social media one last time before I knock off. I hardly have trouble sleeping, so blue light doesn’t concern me.
As for my goal, this year, I aspire to live a minimalistic lifestyle. So this means that I will make a concerted effort to read all the travel brochures on Japan (that are gathering dust in my room) and streamline the recommendations into articles on Stacker News. I know that I probably won’t earn much from these articles since not everyone is as into Japan as I am. But I feel such a great dose of endorphins whenever I dump some materials into my recycling bag. Anyway. I feel great about not letting these brochures take up valuable space in my room, so I will keep doing that.
Fight 🥊
Reading will be a perfect solution
I like playing long videos and just listening to the audio to fall asleep to.
You can get zoned out after a while, less staring at the screen.
Vision! You don’t get what you dream for, you get what you work for!
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