pull down to refresh

I want to test if there are indeed bots that try to game our rewards by zapping anything someone posts. I want to find this out by creating this post and seeing if it gets zapped within a minute. My previous post got immediately zapped by someone - or something.
We noticed that this might be the case for @sn.
They could be manual "bots" :)
Yes but running it automated be more efficient if they care about their time. If they really do it manual, that's also a good data point. This means they are not invested or not technically capable enough.
Seems like there aren't such bots yet since this post still has 0 zaps.
I might have been the first to ZAP your previous post. It was a coincidence that I went to the recent posts page at that time. Sometimes, I ZAP before even opening the post if it's a topic that interests me.
Ah oh, makes sense. I also do this sometimes :)
You can't tell me what to do, you son of a bitch.
don't delete this comment
I can't imagine why I would want to.
double negative 🧐 and this bot got lost...
Zapping because I enjoy the value being provided by this test 😈
oh damn... I zapped because I can't understand double negatives.
deleted by author