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... they will likely cite that they are required by law pursuant to by section 3402 of the US tax code. Let's take a look.
26 USC § 3402 - Income tax collected at source (a) REQUIREMENT OF WITHHOLDING (1) IN GENERAL Except as otherwise provided in this section, every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages a tax determined in accordance with tables or computational procedures prescribed by the Secretary. ...
What are "wages"? More than likely, your company's HR or hiring official has not read the code themselves OR the definitions.
26 USC § 3401 - Definitions (a) WAGES For purposes of this chapter, the term “wages” means all remuneration (other than fees paid to a public official) for services performed by an employee for his employer, including the cash value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in any medium other than cash ...
What is an "employee"?
26 USC § 3401 - Definitions (c) EMPLOYEE For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.
I can guarantee that your employer has just been doing what they were told and have not read a lick of the US tax code. Sure seems like you don't fall within the definition of an "employee" within that code. But won't the IRS get 'em!?
If they truly believe that they weren't required to withhold income taxes from your paycheck (hint: they're not required), then they have this as ammunition:
26 USC § 6724 - Waiver; definitions and special rules (a) REASONABLE CAUSE WAIVER No penalty shall be imposed under this part with respect to any failure if it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect.
Remember: there is always a man/woman behind those three letters that, just like you and most other people, do not know the tax code themselves and do not know how to read statutory law. They are, however, able to be informed - just like you.
this territory is moderated
I guess you did the affidavit of status or common law ID?
They are acting under statutory color of law treating americans like corporate agents of the franchise (known as strawman, person) in all caps which is a (citizen) office - franchise owned by the municipal corporation. This is why they tax income, wich is defined as (corporate) profits. I love what Faggiolo is doing and I am learning a lot. Keep up the work, I'm really interested. P.S. I'm not american
Why would I want to do this? Stack sats for a year for the gains and sell as needed for tax season?
No. The point is that BY LAW your employer is not required to withhold any taxes from your paycheck. In fact, them saying you are required to sign a W4 (under penalty of perjury) and refusing to pay you otherwise is EXTORTION and can be prosecuted. BY LAW you are not required to file a 1040 or any other tax form EVER.
Those that know the law do not end up made an example by the IRS. People who get in trouble with the IRS typically believe that they are taxpayers, but for one reason or another, just decide not to pay.
Then there are those that know they do not meet definition of taxpayer by the IRS's own definitions NOR do they have any requirement to file any forms.
But that requires reading - and reading properly.
Ah yeah I haven't got the balls to go sovereign citizen yet
It is literally the law. Sorry you can't read.
You might be right but I'm not about to risk that
You don't have anything to do with that. Your employer does.
That's fascinating. So, anyone employed by the government or a corporate officer has to have taxes withheld, but even a normal employee of a corporation does not.
Do you have any idea why it was written that way? I assume it has something to do with legal challenges.
So, anyone employed by the government or a corporate officer has to have taxes withheld, but even a normal employee of a corporation does not.
I think it gets even deeper than that. That's just a minimum requirement.
Do you have any idea why it was written that way?
Deception. Plain and simple. The BAR has ruined liberty in America. It's up to The People to learn how to beat them at their own game.
@Undisciplined here are a few more examples:
Legal definitions matter.
26 USC § 7701 - Definitions (a)(1) PERSON The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.
With this definition, we must apply ejusdem generis. "Individual" in this definition refers to a single entity within the same class of commercial entities in the definition - NOT a human being.
26 USC § 7701 - Definitions (a)(14) TAXPAYER The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.
See (a)(1) above.
26 CFR 1.441-1(b)(8) Taxpayer. Taxpayer has the same meaning as the term person as defined in section 7701(a)(1) (e.g., an individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, or corporation) rather than the meaning of the term taxpayer as defined in section 7701(a)(14) (any person subject to tax).
26 USC § 7343 - Definition of term “person” The term “person” as used in this chapter includes an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation occurs.
I hope things are becoming clear.
When these decisions end up being sealed, is there a public explanation for why it was sealed?
The public typically isn't aware that it's sealed AFAIK. The only reason we know about the case with Steve Emerson is because Alphonse Faggiolo is a friend of his and has taught him. He's using what he's been taught from Steve in his own property tax suit, as well as teaching others the same.
Is there also a gag order or is Alphonse free to discuss it?
I just started reading about this and am planning on acting once I have enough information. I work for a large corporation. Can anyone share their experience on stopping withholding?
It depends.
Some people start filing EXEMPT on their withholding and start learning how to sue the IRS in case they ever try to give them a notice of deficiency.
I use Kelly with www.mytaxremedy.com. Some people think it's sovereign citizen nonsense, but what she does is 100% legit and I've encountered many people over who've used the same statute (12 USC 411) for their taxes without ever a peep from the IRS.
Apparently there are other ways to deal with them too.
Ok I just read Dave Champion, Income Tax: Shattering the Myths.
He comes at this from a completely different angle.
He simply eliminates generating an information return to the IRS by not signing a w-4
Can you explain the strategy about redeeming in lawful money?
He is correct, but good luck getting your employer to NOT let you sign one.
Kelly can explain the lawful money thing better. No charge just to talk to her.