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1 day12.2%
1 week24.5%
2 weeks22.4%
1 month14.3%
3 months18.4%
6 months6.1%
1 year0.0%
longer than 1 year2.0%
49 votes \ poll ended
Since the 18th of December and counting.
I was explaining mempool to my friend and sent him few sats with very low fee... it was end of April, after mempool has cleared last time.
The transaction went through in October
Not sure, could be more than month. When I send between my wallets, I often send with low fee, don't care will it confirm in a day or month.
I waited for about 1 week if I can remember well
Could it really take more than two weeks, a month or even longer for a transaction to be confirmed??? Wow. I thought they are “cancelled” at some point.
As long as they stay in the mempool of a miner, they will get picked up by a miner when they have no other more profitable tx to include in a block.
However, if your tx is using a too low fee rate, it will get purged since mempools have size limits. For example, in this screenshot you can see that the mempool.space node is currently using 1.6 GB for its mempool and that it purges tx with a fee rate below 18.2 sat/vB:
The 300MB is the default mempool size on a Bitcoin Core node:
In Bitcoin Core there is a memory pool limiter which can be configured with -maxmempool=<n>, where <n> is the size in MB (1000). The default value is 300.
< 1 DAY
About 2 months, but that was a mixer output into deep cold storage, so I wasn't in a hurry.
Currently sitting on 3 weeks here...
I waited a week and since then I have make it possible not to make any on chain transaction ever
Waiting for a 10 sat/vB ZEUS force close from November of last year to get one confirmation; it's not a fun time at all.
1 week for a coinjoin. Worth it.
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