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Besides stack sats...
You have to treat your brain like a muscle -- it needs intellectual or creative stimulation consistently to keep it in good health. Luckily being involved with bitcoin is a great way to do it passively, but I make sure to go out of my way and apply it to other interests of mine.
I've mentioned before but cooking has been an excellent outlet for that. I take time each day to focus on cooking, whether it be a recipe I've been meaning to try, understanding food science, or practicing freestyling with leftover ingredients.
Music has been another great one for the more consumptive side of my brain. Going to the gym everyday is a great window of time for me to explore discographies of artists I'm into more deeply. And I've been more deliberate in that as of late. Always broadening and pushing my tastes. There's something very satisfying about hearing the unfamiliarity of something new and learning to appreciate the nuances that make it unique.
I am also daily brain stacking for my work. Like I mentioned in my recent post about 2024, refinement will be the theme for me this year. Even if it's just 1%, I want to be adding new information to my arsenal or moving along side projects every single day, focused on the items that move the needle instead of just "skill development"..
Predicting this will be much trickier daily upkeep than saying it is, but I'm excited to see how applying small efforts towards small practices like these compound throughout this year. I've been (mostly) daily posting on SN since joining in June of last year, and it's brought nothing but satisfaction to my life hearing from stackers here.
What are you doing daily, as a bitcoiner should?
Code or thoughts. Can be anything. Just focus on a subject for 30 minutes. It’s a superpower in this day and age, to structure & memorise your thoughts and move things forward.
(Too many are on someone else’s autopilot, repeating the stuff they heard the week prior whilst believing those thoughts were their own creation)
We forget how bad our memory can be at long term recall. Funny!
Haha, good one.
Used to remember everyone's phone numbers, now I can't even remember mine lol. Only going to get worse if don't write things down and instead rely on software & A.I for recall.
Unfortunately that’s how I see AI likely serving primarily…as the tangible “memory bank” for the collective ideas/thoughts/data that never make their way out of our minds..as with all emerging tech, it naturally emerges out of conscious & subconscious efforts to mitigate problems. Information overflow is becoming all too real for us meat sacks and we’ve spun up the robots to deal with it..
recite your seed phrase. at least the one you have memorized... you do have one memorized, right?
deleted by author
774 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 Jan 2024
I wouldn't prescribe anything normally nor would I say I deliver on this regularly but: produce something of value.
It's something I tend to think about a lot and I don't have a great metric to track it, but I when I don't do it I generally feel like crap.
I can feel when I am only consuming, and yea I get mentally unwell lmao.
We are meant to create
take a shower
Once a year for me personally
In fact, the first thing I did this morning was to post something about my work on Facebook and delete two photos on my phone. I have decluttering goals for everything, be it digital or physical. Last week, I decluttered my wardrobe and categorised my clothes according to colour. Already, I can feel the benefits. I now know where exactly to place my folded laundry; it’s a comforting feeling.
Prior to this, I would think that a piece of paper here or a photo there wouldn’t amount to much. I also felt overwhelmed by the pressing demands of parenthood and work - to the extent that I didn’t have much energy to do much else. I read a book about decluttering and realised that if I wasn’t making use of something, then it was taking up valuable space in my life.
So I plan to declutter something every day. I suspect that freeing up time and energy will pay significant psychological dividends, that it will help me live my everyday with greater intentionality and purpose.
Just went on a big declutter spree first day of the new year. Better for my home and my brain!
Let’s be accountability buddies n nudge each other to keep it up!
Learn one thing a day. I'm not kidding, you will discover it is hard but it does make a lot of sense. Write down about 10 things you do NOT know about technology, bitcoin, blockchain, programming... anything. Then, take one item from that list and dedicate a day, one thing, one day. Naturally, you will not learn everything about it in one day but you will plant a seed and you will come back to it later. The hard part is to be consistent. It's a good start for perpetual learning... YMMV of course.
Great point. That’s what I try to do!
It is very hard…esp in a way that’s conducive to moving you forward
Read more on Bitcoin security practices everyday
Get your stacker.news cowboy hat
Not call yourself a bitcoiner.
Very good
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @leo 3 Jan 2024
Use Bitcoin. if you believe it will succeed, you buy some. If you want it to succeed, you use it.
Great advice. Daily tinkering! Daily spending!
Nothing because of "as a Bitcoiner"
Bitcoin is just a tool. It's a gift for humankind. I think all of these intersectionalities are aspirational at best and subsersive/undermining with unrelated agendas at best.
Spending - supporting the circular economy and stepping out of the fiat system
Learn something new ( or improve yourself a bit ) every day, even just small things, to keep the brain energizing instead of rusting.
Must. Resist. Neuroplasticity!
Exercise - health is the ultimate wealth. Think long time preference. Sure the beers and sigs feels good in the moment and the work out doesn’t, but in the long run the latter give you better longevity and sense of purpose!
Take care of your body, it’s the only one you’ll ever get.
make a bunch of transactions and pay 100 sat/vbyte for them
Look at the price chart.
No, seriously. Look at it, how does the price action make you feel? Greedy? Hopeful? Sad? Anxious?
Reflect on these emotions and understand them. They come from the other half of you, and try to tell you something.
Maybe your emotional self thinks your Bitcoin stack is too big compared to other assets? Maybe too small? Why does it think so? Is your laser eyes big brain out of sync with your gut feeling?
Emotions from the price chart fizzled out for me long ago..I’ll smile when we crack ATH sure
I normally do 30 minutes of reading and 1 hour researching the crypto world. I'd also recommend 30 minutes of Gym
Swap crypto world with bitcoin world!
I visit SN and some Nostr clients
I’m posting Bitcoin related memes daily on my company’s Slack to orange pill people.
Stack sats stay humble
Write a new Bitcoin poem every week
Spread the Bitcoin word and DCA $13.37 daily