the civil war pretty much settled that
Only in the way a school-yard bully settles that they get to keep your lunch money. There's no moral significance to that point, but you're right that it's the outcome to be most concerned about.
I think the best scenario for a peaceful separation is Trump winning and a blue state seceding. I don't think the Democrats would let Texas go peacefully. Obviously, I could be wrong.
this territory is moderated
279 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 3 Jan
The thing is every blue state is actually high population blue cities surrounded by red rural areas. So I'm not sure how that would play out.
It still reduces the number of people living under a government they don't support. If a minority in the breakaway states don't like it, they can either move or try to stay in the original country by separating from the breakaway state.
How it would actually play out I imagine would be very messy.