Taxes are not voluntary. They're mandatory.
Nonetheless, you can still assess whether you got your money's worth from government services. Suppose you got about $1000 worth from reasonable government services and they tax you about $1000 at the end of the year. That is just, that is fair, there is no good reason to complain about reasonable compensation for perfectly valid services rendered by your government.
But if they try to overtax you for more than you got from them, it's unjust, and you are under no moral obligation to give them any money beyond the compensation due for what you did receive from them. You might go to prison or worse if you refuse to pay them the full amount they demand, but some people are okay with that.
Nonetheless, you can still assess whether you got your money's worth from government services
Taxation is theft. That's my assessment.
But if they try to overtax you for more than you got from them, it's unjust, and you are under no moral obligation to give them any money beyond the compensation due for what you did receive from them. You might go to prison or worse if you refuse to pay them the full amount they demand, but some people are okay with that.
So, you admit there is a monopoly of violence and that's ok because they give you things.
I do not admit there is a monopoly on violence. Anyone can be violent.
Taxes are okay when they pay for reasonable government services
Taxes are okay when they pay for reasonable government services
Right, and that hasn't been the case since in the introduction of the federal reserve bank.
I want to promote my new tool I'm so proud of, and I need taxes to justify its existence
and all the F hours of work wasted on it
I can't honestly say that part because I don't think I wasted those hours
Yeah I know, there's always the learning curve going up! Good on you mate
The tool is a good idea. It has a use case. "Loan Shark" is appropriate because it is predatory. Kind of like the guy who designs devices that harm humans or animals. No matter how you justify it. You are all in on the confiscation of earnings of productive people. I'm guessing that you get some of your money from proximity of the money printer.
But if I was you, I would say, "Yeah, I understand that some people hate taxes. I'm just making an arbitrage tool to help public facing businesses who have to keep books in order to prevent the Monopoly of violence from confiscating all of their means of earning a living."
I really like your, "Think about it." comment.
Thinking is not seeing. It's not observation.
If you want to succeed with your tool, don't waste time arguing with people who would not use it.
Acknowledge the detractor's point and move on. Whether I hate taxes or not if this was a vetted tool functioning I would recommend it to a business for Bitcoin use.
Even if I think you are a brainwashed, statist cuckold, I see your desire to help others is sincere and for that I would still praise your effort.
If you want to succeed with your tool, don't waste time arguing with people who would not use it
As far as I am concerned I succeeded
I made a thing that does something cool and I am pleased with the result
What more success could I ask for?
you are a...statist
At your service, sir. I do not consider "statist" an insult but a badge of honor
And since you called me a name, I shall call you one in return, thou anarchist
Someday I hope to meet you at a bitcoin conference and I hope we shall hug
As far as I am concerned I succeeded I made a thing that does something cool and I am pleased with the result
Disagree, 14 starts and 1 fork on the repo... do you call it a success? A successful project? Where are the people using it? Maybe not yet. Only time will tell.
You have succeeded doing it and making it works, just for you, but works! That represents just one third of the job. Keep working hard, you still have a lot to do to make it succeed.
Keep building
Disagree, 14 starts and 1 fork on the repo... do you call it a success?
Yes because I measure success by my own satisfaction. I didn't make it to acquire users. I made it because I thought it would be cool if it existed
That represents just one third of the job
I define the job
you still have a lot to do to make it succeed
I am done with this project and am pleased with the result
Onward to the next thing
As far as I am concerned I succeeded I made a thing that does something cool and I am pleased with the result
Agreed. Congrats.
I can't be mad at that. I agree. I look forward to shaking your hand one day.
The tool is a good idea. It has a use case.
I agree with this.
Larken Rose does a fine job explaining this.