Whats up hackers/slackers! I'm sick this week but still getting a little work done
I've been building a zap telegram bot using NWC this week and last. Just noticed today that telegram extended a lot of the bot functionality in their latest update (telegram bots can be kinda limited compared to discord/slack/etc) so now bots can detect and act on "reactions" (emoji's) on messages. https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#december-29-2023
For me this means I can do zaps with āš” reactions on messages now so thats p cool!
Anyone here running a telegram bot?
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
Anyone here running a telegram bot?
Here! I run a TG bot to put the SN RSS feed into a TG channel.
I also created a GPT2TG bot for fun once but OpenAI doesn't really like running bots. I had to update my cookie too often so I lost interest in running the bot. I just wanted to use ChatGPT from TG, lol
But it was a fun project for a day. It's also written in bash because I didn't anticipate how much work it would be. I initially thought I could do it in a few lines of bash, lol
That's probably the ugliest bash code I have ever written but it works - or at least it used to work, it's been 4 months already :)
Nice! I had written a chatGPT discord bot in the plebdevs discord about a year ago but it was early on with their API and it was basically the same thing as you too much to maintain. I was also thinking about writing a simple bot to grab posts from ~devs to the plebdevs discord
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
I was also thinking about writing a simple bot to grab posts from ~devs to the plebdevs discord
šŸ‘€ Do it!