I don't know what half of this means but I'm stoked anyway...


Lightning Network mega projects for 2024
  • aggregate key submarine swaps
  • fee market aware pathfinding
  • off-chain upgradeable channels
  • multi-asset network upgrade
  • public p2tr channels
  • reverse onion routed payments
  • submerged submarine swaps
  • transitive inbound analysis
Maybe one of those will happen as early as next year.
Meanwhile they neglect 10 other real things that people are actually asking for.
have an example of those 10 things?
right now my biggest pain as a node operator is the fee situation, roasbeef posted this outlining some stuff they're doing to make the fees less painful: https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/lightning.engineering/g/lnd/c/gz25tikv_3g
that seems promising to me, but I'm not really capable of keeping up with what's happening w/ the spec, so maybe I'm totally unaware lol
LND is like Microsoft Windows many years ago. I hope CLN will expand its market share.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 3 Jan
I understand none of this....
Main priority should be to prevent these automatic forced closes from happening.
1000% agreed, I linked elsewhere in the thread, but looks like they're working on it: https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/lightning.engineering/g/lnd/c/gz25tikv_3g
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