Not adding the right to secede from the Union in the Bill of Rights was a mistake on the Founding Father's part. They kinda just assumed that everyone would know that the states are actually states in the political science sense and not provinces. They assumed that secession was just a given and a state and its people are sovereign.
Its extremely unlikely, but I hope this starts a movement of states pushing for the right of secession, even if they don't use it. A right to secede is the ultimate check on Federal power.
Then the collective IQ of America will increase. Seems like a net positive to me.
ding ding ding we have a winning comment.
Good see ya! Adios! I say we give em back to mexico!
I think Ted Cruz would like that. Then he won't need a visa when he goes to Cancun when his home state has a crisis 😂😂
lmfao truth!
The Texas GOP's new party platform also called for full repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
What a time to be alive. At least it won't get boring.
This state has no chill. If it does get around to seceding in the next ten years, hopefully I'll have enough bitcoin stacked up to buy citizenship elsewhere.
The value of a solution to the Byzantine Generals problem has always been proportional to how byzantine your assess your generals to be.
Continuous Byzantine Agreement has been mathematically shown to be equivalent to state machine replication.
Yes, but I think you're missing the analogy/joke here. Or maybe I am.