Yes this is everything that is wrong with the wallet and the approach they took. But I commend them for trying a solution that can meet the common person.
The hard core cypher punk would never use this but people who don’t care about how the liquidity layer is on they just want something that works and looks beautiful.
As a tester of some may things in bitcoin software land you come across a lot of broken shit and that I have lost sats on including:
-BlueWallet -Munity -fully loaded -10101
I know the risk so I take it as it comes but when I sent up people with blue wallet or breeze and they can’t accept my Lightning payment I look like the fool!
Like k00b always says make something that bitcoiners want. And I think this is Jan3 approach to meet that standard. But at the same time Bitcoiners have to be the immune system to make sure this does become FOSS and limit the dragnet surveillance we are all under now.