I have fears about building on Nostr because the future of relay-running without clear financial incentives makes the network appear unsustainable to me. Has there been any noise in the space discussing how this could be achieved? I remember reading the Damus relay was going to get shut down but did that actually ever happen? I hope that gets figured out though since a big player like that monetizing and turning a profit (or even breaking even) could do a lot for the space.
What would be really useful to me is a survey of all decentralized protocols to get high level signals into what is worth investing time into. I'm not saying it's not Nostr, but I haven't seen much discussion on the business side of things regarding relay operation when I think it should be the next main area of focus for Nostr development. Maybe a hackathon using this as a topic would help.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4 Jan
There are already paid relays like nostr.wine out there in case you didn't know
But I guess and hope this isn't the pinnacle of business models built on top of nostr
I didn't know about nostr.wine but it's definitely a step in the right direction!
Well, I guess many relay operators will be incentivized by wanting their particular business or functionality on the network. However, I wonder if some kind of auto-zapping of a very small fee for posting content, or zap revenue sharing from content creators could have potential.