This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
A lot of political discussions on SN lately. If there's going to subs, politics will definitely have to be one. The discussions will inevitably become cancerous. I'd rather have it quarantined to a sub or just banned outright.
There is a tool available to "sink" posts you don't like.
Upvote posts you do like, so that they rise above the posts you don't like.
A single user doesn't have that control. But it doesn't even take very many -- maybe just a handful of people with decent trust in the WoT and a sizable budget (of about half of a U.S. penny per post you want to upvote).
Of course, and I do that already. If I see a comment or post that is not conducive to conversation or is just plain dumb, I go out of my way to upvote a sat to every other post on the same level.
What I am trying to say is that I'm worried that politics will begin to overrun SN rather than be a part of the general conversation. I like political posts, and I'll respond to them sometimes. I just don't want it to degrade the signal. A ban on non-Bitcoin political topics is one solution, but not a very good one. A politics sub or a personal filter feature are probably the best options if it becomes an issue.
How you guys feel about the new ETF to short BTC? This all feels like we're heading towards more pain. It wouldn't surprise me that the rebount will be even more violent. Keep safe and remember to never let your coins with third parties, that's how they get to short it in the first place.
KYC never 3rd parties my ass (we need a better motto for that)
Cold War 2 has started. It probably ends with EU collapsing without much combat because I don't think Russia will escalate even tho EU is doing what they can to provoke them and I don't think EU will invade Russian territory without being literally attacked first. So cold war 2 until EU collapses this time, it has the worst energy policies and so on. EU collapse puts btc in a position to be adopted in lieu of EU finance system which will potentially collapse with it. But still alot of variables so let's see.
It's been too long since I've gotten first comment on the daily.
When one tips a post, is that handled with a GraphQL update or is there more to it?
GraphQL is the interface for that, yeah.