There is a tool available to "sink" posts you don't like.
Upvote posts you do like, so that they rise above the posts you don't like.
A single user doesn't have that control. But it doesn't even take very many -- maybe just a handful of people with decent trust in the WoT and a sizable budget (of about half of a U.S. penny per post you want to upvote).
Of course, and I do that already. If I see a comment or post that is not conducive to conversation or is just plain dumb, I go out of my way to upvote a sat to every other post on the same level.
What I am trying to say is that I'm worried that politics will begin to overrun SN rather than be a part of the general conversation. I like political posts, and I'll respond to them sometimes. I just don't want it to degrade the signal. A ban on non-Bitcoin political topics is one solution, but not a very good one. A politics sub or a personal filter feature are probably the best options if it becomes an issue.