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-- Charlie Munger (1924-2023) Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman

"The big money is not in the buying and the selling, but in the waiting"

Nop... is not what you're thinking, I'd just change money for value in there. I promise, no financial advice here, no worries! I hope this will be for many of us the n time reading this quote. For the same many, patience is a virtue already cultivated and appreciated for a long time. I also assume there's as many, if not many others more, feeling that being patient is boring as F, that we need to do anything to change --without considering that everything change anyway-- that we should impose our will over the world to achieve our goals, we must think rigorously and creatively, we must strive harder and be productive, we must find problems to solve... and if you look to find them, most likely you'll find them all. Together with troubles, stress and anything unexpectedly related with whatever you behaved had to look for.
Patience, as Charlie said, is about waiting for things to pass by, near us, for us to notice and pick them up when and if needed. It does not mean to sit there and do nothing until an apple hit your head falling from the three. Yay... a free apple. No! It already happened and for Newton was just the spark that enabled him to think about that apple accelerating all the way down, from zero to x, and back to zero again. He was not there waiting for it, he was there (dot). He was in that present moment observing and listening, that's why he was able to reach those conclusions and verbalize them before translating that spark of archetype in another universal law.
Finding that state of waiting, stillness, observation, awareness... is a simple thing to do, but not easy to achieve. It requires practice and perseverance. Our nature is to move, to go, to run, fast here and there to fulfil our most profound and thoughtful life goals -- and sometimes, other's expectations. Quick, there's never enough time... We try to "go with the flow" without understanding that the flow goes anyway, with or without us. That buyer's offer you just rejected 123456 hours ago, still today the only one ever received for that item now covered in dust and rust again. That seller is not waiting for you to jump in or reach out. Online trades are always hard to understand, if there's already other players already on the table, maybe offering more, maybe offering less... maybe there's no one else, and you are the first one. To be the one, you need to be first. Be the one reaching out! Be the one asking a question, openly, publicly! So others that might have the same question ca learn and reward you for being the first asking.
What I'm trying to say, is that there's no specific strategy to close your perfect deal here, nor in any other part of the cyber and meat space. Mostly because there's no perfect deal if not the one we are now in. You're reading and looking for something because I offered this "tutorial" without any paywall, without expecting anything in exchange. It's just an exercise for me. Me was here, trying to provide you some sort of guidance on how to fairly interact with other stackers in the ~Agora, making sure we set the right floor for this marketplace to thrive in the controversial liquidity of the markets. And you, in the other side, making treasure of all this value and silently flying away like a free rider.
Some experienced negotiators, salespersons and professionals traders have many tactics and strategies to get what they want, try to control the market, or at least the deal they are in together with the people listening to it. And sometimes, they will delay and prolong the negotiation process with any resource they have for as long as they can to annoy, force or trigger the other party to behave in certain ways, and finally agree to their terms instead. Because everyone know, it's really hard to wait. Thus, this is where one’s patience come in handy, to help you is someone is playing with you or being serious. You still have the option to drop out any time you feel that deal is not for you.
But what's patience? Do you ever tough about it? It's about staying calm, the ability to control your emotions and be aware how they (your emotions) affect your be-ing in the preset now. Reacting impulsively and allowing the other party's actions to dictate your responses can lead you to settle for the least favorable outcome. The notion of simply being patient falls short, especially under tight deadlines. Indeed, mastering emotional control, devising a strategic plan, and preparing for potential obstacles and scenarios are key elements that significantly benefit yourself as an experienced negotiator, surpassing the benefits of mere patience to reach the realm of balanced feelings and total awareness.
Ok ok, just stay... still, and keep reading. I'm just helping you develop some patience ;) Mastering the art of flowing and haggling here in the ~Agora can significantly enhance the bitcoin bartering experience of us all. Your behaviors will affect mine and vice versa. It's a game we are all constantly playing, and SN, the perfect cyber-playground for it to unfold. Bitcoin isn't a straight forward money accessible yet to everyone, and the ones that know how to master it creatively have a great advantage here, now. I hope the tips below become a useful guidance for you when dealing with the intricacies of crafting or looking around for successful deals with other unknown stackers.
Enough is enough! Time to get you to this tips

Set the vibe with a clear Ad-post

When creating your post, clarity is key. Clearly outline what you're offering or seeking, set realistic expectations, and provide essential details. Investing your time writig a good Ad will save you lot of energy responding to questions (if you are lucky!) otherwise, if it will be not either enough for that, the time you spent writing and publishing it will be wasted in the cyberspace forever... and never rewarded. A well-structured post sets the tone for a smooth transaction, craft it accordingly, and it will easily sell.

Patience is a Virtue: follow the flow to begin

Once your post is live, give it time to attract potential buyers. And if you are a stacker curiously looking around, we know you have probably accumulated enough sats, so handle them happily for that item you were looking for or zap some to demonstrate appreciation, either if you hiding behind an VPN. In any case, and if you can, keep your emotions away and try to lead your behaviors to informed and unrushed decisions. Allow the flow of interested parties to naturally gravitate towards your offering. Patience often results in more pleasant ways you never expect.

Engage in Open Communication

Transparent communication is the backbone of successful transactions. Don't rush to make your dreams come thrue and try empathy to uderstadn what's the other party it's trying to achieve. Be respectful and considerate. Instead of abrupt price reductions, propose reasonable adjustments to encourages a positive negotiation environment where both parties feel heard and respected. Respond promptly to inquiries and openly discuss the terms of closing the deal privately. Builds trust with your peers and contributes to the smooth flow of negotiations.

Know When to Flow and When to Haggle

Understanding the dynamics of flowing and haggling is crucial. For some items, a fixed price may attract more buyers, creating a smoother flow. In contrast, haggling may be appropriate for unique or high-value items. Knowing when to stick to a price and when to negotiate is an art in itself. Practice until you master it!

Be Open to Trade, Barter and Learn

Sometimes, a non-monetary exchange can lead to mutually beneficial transactions. Explore creative ways to make deals that go beyond traditional customs and social behaviours. Every ad, each post you'll publish, is an opportunity to learn and refine your approach, firstly to better communicate your aim and wishes. Secodly, to know more about someone else that will probably use that item in a different way you just did. It's also really rare that a deal closes as you expect, there's always something unexpected, good and bad. So be open to also embrace failure and learn from it. Continuous learning contributes to becoming a more skilled stacker, a virtuous maxis and with time a humble hodlr.

-- Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."

Life itself is a tool too, and as Julius mention, people use it in differet ways. I know it's all wird ad confused. Those tips you were expecting to find clearly defined are probably not. You're getting here at the end, being more foggy than when you started. But that's what it's all about... Get lost to finnd yourself. Find the right balance! In the ~Agora, the SN territory for barters, a dance between traders. Embrace the ebb and jump in negotiations, be patient in your dealings, and remember that each successful transaction contributes to our vibrant spirit.
Hope you find it fun, insightfiul and helpful. That was my intent. You can check all other tutorials on @AGORA bio, we do try to keep it updated! Stay tuned and ...


this territory is moderated
patience is a virtue already cultivated and appreciated for a long time
Yes, anything worthwhile takes time and POW, even just to make a simple product, there are many details could be paid attention to.
In the ~Agora, the SN territory for barters, a dance between traders. Embrace the ebb and jump in negotiations, be patient in your dealings, and remember that each successful transaction contributes to our vibrant spirit.
and for craftsmen and people who are not satisfied with the average? 🤓
I invite them all to share their concern and see if we can do something to level up that average into something of value.
However, I'd like to better understand which "average" are you referring to?
Like massively produced, standardized, copy pasty without uniqueness, short lived, mixed with chemicals or plastics, maybe should have called them fiat products instead?