Maybe we should expose post/comment IDs so you can directly search for those. Search is hard so not sure what SN is using currently for it. Probably the built in stuff on Postgres.
91 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 5 Jan
Probably the built in stuff on Postgres.
I can see why you might have guessed that (to keep things simple, for example) but we're using OpenSearch. Here is the connection code and we have a worker that indexes items in the background.
I think improving the search would be a very nice feature if you want to work on a feature.
This ticket is already a little refined and thus might be good to pick up in that case: Enhance search with quotation mark advanced search syntax
Good idea using OpenSearch. Typically for search, having something separate is far better. Thanks for all the resources, I'll look at this to see if it's something I can do.